My favorite restaurant is Crepees and Waffles...!

My favorite restaurant is Crepees and Waffles...!


In the city we can find different kinds of restaurants, expensive cheap, nice, good service but for me the best restaurant in the city and the country is crepes and waffles, is located in all shopping in the city and places exclusive for example in the scepter of the cities and in Bogota for example in the T zone, the tasteless of the food is very delicious you can find different desserts: waffles, creeps, pitas, and much more. The decoration is wonderful is very organized, sophisticated and modern. The attention for waiters is good bat in occasions this very full and the service is bad, is not expensive bat no cheap the cost is average, In the place go all kinds of people students, employers, couples, families because is very comfortable and the environment is very nice and quiet.

I recommend, because you can go with your girlfriend, your family or friends is comfortable not expensive and the service is usually excellent with ECEPTION but in general is a good place to spend some quality time in either the morning or late evening.

I also recommend you going to specials days on birthdays or important dates that you give away free food and gifts and if you're lucky you can get the free account.

By Camilo Lozano and Jeimy Rodríguez

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